Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Working at Skyline is slowly stripping me of my intellect, so I have decided to start volunteering at a radio station to keep my head in the game. I will be on the air Sundays 9-noon and Mon/Tues 12-3. I will be going by the name "Holly Berry" and it will be neato! The website is under construction and will be relaunched here soon, but if you want to access it anyway you can just go to www.classxradio.com (or the relaunch site at www.classxradio.com/Goyer)

The station is pretty awesome... as it is based and operated out of Bill Spry's basement in Monroe. Just awesome. It is considered a classic rock station, but it is really considered an AOR station, which stands for "Album Oriented Rock." The difference between classic rock and AOR is that one focuses on hit singles while the other focuses more on the deep cuts and the songs you haven't heard as much. For example, you will hear "Money" by Pink Floyd five times on the Fox in one day while on an AOR station you might hear "the Great Gig in the Sky" or "Time" once in a week. Basically, AOR is out to highlight the greatness that is rock-n-roll while classic rock stations are out to bastardize this once great genre. We can only hear Tom Petty's "American Girl" once in a while, not once an hour.

So it's a non-profit station that will hopefully be a for-profit station in the near future, but Bill Spry is trying to establish his range first, and he's doing a pretty awesome job. He already has 4 transmitter sites that range from SE Indiana to SW Ohio to Northern Kentucky. It's pretty sweet. Not to mention, he has a 5000watt antenna in his back yard. FRICKIN AWESOME. He operates his own computer software company out of his house and the program we use (called "Raduga") in the station is his baby. He wrote it and is currently facilitating it in the radio station he runs out of his basement. The guy is a genius and he knows it. There's a whole history of his success with this station on the website, you should definitely read it. It's very interesting and will give you insight on the progress he is making. It's definitely something I could see myself doing someday, and this is a perfect start for me.

Anyhoo, it's exciting and it's keeping my head out of Skyline too much. I have restored some of my self esteem and my life is picking up a little bit. And even though I'm not getting paid by this station it is still my dream to do the best job I possibly can. Time to go.

Peace and floor grease

Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Ideas a-Brewin'

Since working solely at Skyline, I've been daydreaming a lot. Lots of "what if's" and "when this happens"... Lots of Netflix. Got a new laptop; it's pretty tasty. My new picture was taken on its webcam. It takes some pretty alright pictures, considering it's built in. It's a Toshiba, is black and shiney, and the keyboard is really good for little hands, of which I have TWO. I wish I were smart enough to remember the specifics about this computer, like how much RAM or Gs it has... or perhaps how much memory it has. I think I know more than your average person, but it must be realized that computers are really made for stupid people, hence Window's excellent user friendliness. Someone who knows NOTHING about computers could easy pick up one like this and go to town without a problem. Everything is built-in, and the wireless mouse connects ultra fast. I LOVE IT.

Nothing really new lately... just working a lot. Looking for a better job. I'm hoping for something like a receptionist, something easy that I have actually apply my degree to. I know I want to be in radio, but I realize that the job climate is tough and radio is one of the industries that has been hit quite hard. Lots of bankruptcies, mergers and corporate takeovers. Yunno... the usual. I'm not really in a hurry to be in radio for the rest of my life. I don't really know how far I want to go in it, and really, being a receptionist would be a perfectly good job for someone like me. Organized, friendly, computer literate, and pay attention to detail. Oh yea, I have a college degree too. That's pretty important. GAH! I don't have much to write about.

I went to Chicago with my Dad to visit Adam for his 27th Birthday. It was alright. Of course the City itself was beautiful and my dad and I had a good time ourselves. Things got a little too "normal" when we met up with Adam. We argued, things got stupid and lame. It was an old fashioned Schroeder Family Confrontation. Usually has an excellent turn-out. I just hope something clicked in Adam's head and something changes. His attitude just sucks. anyhoo......

peace and Spaceballs

Oh yea--- I want to start writing radio dramas. Ideas are welcome.