So there's this museum that was built called the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum. Guess the theme of this place? You're right! Here's the problem: the athiests are pissed. I'm not too pissed because I'm not concerned with what theory people want to believe, as long as they aren't ass-holes to me and trying to put their personal religious beliefs (or dis-beliefs) in the legal system. An article was written in the Cincinnati Post about this "uproar" and Edwin Kagin, a Union lawyer and Kentucky state director of American Atheists, was quoted as saying "We acknowledge fully their absolute right to teach anything they want. They can teach things fall up if they wish. But we don't want people to think no one cares, no one opposes this."
So the Athiests believe it's their job to go against it because they see a problem with no opposition, as if nobody else will stand up for what they believe. Ok, sure. Do they think that a museum is going to convert people? That it's going to convince people of Creationism over Evolution any more than they did before? The article states that this museum is backed by scientific evidence. So wait a minute, Creationism has scientific evidence, and evolution has scientific evidence? So now what? Who are we to believe? Here's what I say: who cares?! Why is it so important to believe one over the other? If you believe in God, great. If you don't, that's great too! Either way, you have a belief system that works for you; one that you have some kind of faith in.
Everything in the Bible can be interpreted differently, and I think the guys who put it together had a good idea when they collaborated because it's basically a book of morals. The Ten Commandments say it all; they are the basics. They take out the important points of the Bible and they're even in a list! It can't really get easier! Here is my interpretation of the 10 Commandments:
1:I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me.
Perfect example of Christian tactic: scare the people so they fear the opposition. Fear is the most vulnerable feeling a person can experience and highly avoided among most, if not all, people. But basically, this determines your sense of faith, and once established, move to step 2.
2: Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above...
...because we don't know what it looks like. If we create an image of heaven, we will have certain expectations of the after-life. Also, I believe that people dwell on that image and don't focus necessarily on the life that they're actually living. It also makes people dwell on death and how they will "go," which doesn't matter until it happens. Once you're thinking about today, move to step 3.
3: Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD.
Don't bite the hand that feeds.
4: Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
Take a day off. Cherish that day; you deserved it.
5: Honor your father and your mother.
DUH! Once again, don't bite the hand that feeds. They're the ones that brought you into this world; they can be the ones who take you out. Plus, you can't replace them.
6: Do not murder.
Don't kill people! You'll go to jail and will face much more punishment than you wanted.
7: Do not commit adultery.
They call it "making love" for a reason. When you have sex with lots of people, the genuinity of it goes away. You lose possession of your own body when you give parts of it away; you lose respect for yourself. I'm not saying "don't have sex," and "don't have sex before you're married," but try to gain something from each partner if you choose that path. Learn about yourself so you KNOW when you're in love and are ready to share as much of yourself with someone that you WANT to share yourself with. The 10 would like to keep you a virgin until marriage because you're supposed to be IN LOVE with the person you marry and what better than to share the physical act of love with the person you share the mental and emotional feeling of love with? With multiple partners I believe that you also lose the meaning of love, which just confuses you about what love really is.
8: Do not steal.
Don't take stuff that's not yours! You didn't earn it!
9: Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Don't lie! Just be honest. When you're honest to other people, you're honest to yourself.
10: Do not covet your neighbor's house.
I earned everything I worked for, and you the same. You want something I have? Work for it.
You don't have to believe anything I said, but I guess I'm just trying to convince you that as long as you are a genuinely good person, you'll die a happy person. Don't regret anything, and never go to bed at night saying "i wish I would have..." because then you regret NOT doing something. Live the life that YOU love. Do what you like, and like what you do. If you don't, you'll be miserable.
Peace and catharsis
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