Monday, January 14, 2008

MLK March

My friend Rachelle and I are going to attend a Martin Luther King, Jr. march in honor of his legacy on the 21st of this month. I've never marched for anything before, and I'm quite eager to see how us white folk will be accepted.

I'm quite bothered by intolerance, racism, oppression, and unequal/unethical treatment of others. I'm appalled that these things still exist today, even after MLK's message to the people. I'm more bothered by this:

Rachelle (19) was dating this guy who was 38, and black. I have nothing against either of these characteristics, although the 38 was a little scary, because I didn't want anything bad to happen to my friend. Well, she still sees him and talks to him on a semi-normal basis, and the more she tells me about him, the more I fear for her life. Since the beginning of their relationship, she has told me nothing good about this guy. He's racist against white people (which makes me wonder how they started getting along in the first place), he preaches intolerance (hence making him a hypocrate), carries a large knife with him to 'protect himself from the crazy people,' criticizes Rachelle for being an "ignorant white person," and thinks that white people who are nice to him are just being nice in fear of him being black. So basically, he thinks the world is out to get him. He's going on this MLK march with us, and I'm almost fearing for my own life, especially if he's going to be carrying his Crocodile Dundee knife (yea.. now THAT'S a knife).

Last night, he sent her a text message, saying something along the lines of "you're just going on this march to make white people look good; that they actually care about us negros. have you ever heard of marcus garvey and (two other names that I didn't recognize)? if there was a rally for them, would you go?" Basically criticizing her (and me at the same time, probably without even realizing it) because she wants to participate in something that he believes to be an only black thing to do. He says that white people only go to these marches because they "feel sorry for black people."

Did he ever think that there are people who actually want to combat racism? That being oppressed isn't such a "black" thing anymore? That white people actually care about black people not because they're black, but because they're people? Did he ever think that the only way to get rid of racism is to let go of it? Stop sending in poor representation like Reverend Sharpton to speak for all black people, assuming what he says is 100% correct and unbiased. Showing your own intolerance only PERPETUATES that intolerance. Getting mad at white people for being racist shows your own racism. Pointing a finger only gets four more pointed back.

Here are a few questions I have, and feel free to comment: Was MLK's message directed only towards black people? How do you think he would feel if he knew the level of racism that still exists today? And-- is it fair to bring up the past as justification for the future?


Amanda Troyer said...
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Amanda Troyer said...

You're 100% right. At this point in time, most racism is brought on by black people. And when white people point that out they are being racist. Its completely ridiculous.