Friday, November 16, 2007

The FDA needs a kick in the teeth

I've noticed an overabundance of prescription pill advertisements on television and they're making me sick. I can't believe (well actually, yes I can) that the FDA approves all of these unneeded drugs. I can't believe it morally, but I completely believe it monetarily. I was watching tv last night and there was --literally-- a three minute commercial for this blood pressure pill where the whole commercial was --literally-- a disclaimer.

"If you take this drug in conjuntion with other blood pressure medications, you may experience trouble breathing. If you have abnormal heart palpitations, this may be a sign that you have a more serious health condition and should consult your doctor. You should know that by taking this pill you are putting yourself at risk for further complications. If you do not see a significant change in your health, you have probably become immune to modern medicine and you'll most likely die soon anyway."

Here is an article related to the topic of this advertisement.

Of course, we consumers don't want to hear these things but companies are required by law to include this disclaimer. My favorite part of these commercials is the inspirational music they play underneath the disclaimer because it's just a psychological advertising ploy to make you feel better about the side effects. Hilarious how it works too because you know people are buying these medications.

The thing that really bothers me about the FDA is that they come out with all of these medications to "help" people with their serious medical conditions when they're really making them worse. Rather than combating the real issues, they come out with a drug that will delay the inevitable, which is poorer health and maybe death. They are making it OK for consumers not to take responsibility for their own health by handing them a simple solution, which could further their declining health by suppressing the symptoms. Americans' health are declining rapidly due to this vicious cycle. The number one killer in this country is heart disease and 66% of adults are obese. I don't think you have to be a scientist to link the two.

I just think it's sad the FDA doesn't rally care about people as much as they care about their fat paychecks. It's incredibly unsettling to know that administrations make themselves look like they care by offering "quality" products, when in all actuality, they couldn't care less about the consumer. Sad.

Your health can drastically improve if you EAT RIGHT AND EXCERCISE, not take some pill to trick your mind into believing it doesn't have a problem. Here's my line of logic of why I believe these medications don't work:

Man has health problem.
Man takes pill for synthetic relief, not combating real issue.
Symptoms go away.
Man carries on with life like normal, not making any changes to lifestyle.
Real issue persists due to no real habit change.
Real issue gets worse because it was never combated in the first place.
Man's health declines.
Man has another health problem.
Man takes pill and so on and so on....

See my point? Taking a pill does not combat the real issue, rather, it hides the symptoms to the real issue, not forcing the person to take responsibility for their own health. What can we do?

Become smarter.
Pay attention to symptoms.
Practice hollistic medicine (it keeps you in tune with your body, which is very important)
Eat healthy foods by staying away from hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrups.
Get some activity incorporated into that busy schedule (take the stairs, park further away, dance when you're home alone.. it feels silly at first, but it's really fun and you get your heart rate up)
Talk to other people.
Read this blog. HA!

peace and hope

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