Friday, October 3, 2008

i feel compelled... write SOMETHING about this economic mess.

I have a big beef with this $700 billion bailout plan for reasons mostly shared by people who give a flying fuck about our country. Of course there are the obvious reasons, like:

Why should I pay for someone else's mistakes?

Why is it all of a sudden OUR problem when it was a few fat-cats who decided to play risk?

and the big one:

Did they completely forget about this document called "the Constitution" that not only BEGINS with "we the people" but emphasizes the importance of small government to ensure the fluidity of this supposed free-market economy?

I tend to find irony in most government tactics because they usually present just another example of smart people making really dumb decisions. And with "dumb" I also include "greedy," "risky," "contradictive," and "against our moral fiber."

What I find most ironic about this whole thing is this:
They have spent this whole week trying to convince us that this bailout is absolutely necessary to prevent us from falling into (another) great depression. They want us to be "ok" with their spending of our hard-earned dollars to make sure CEOs and their equal fat-cat brothers keep getting paid. --YET-- they had absolutely NO PROBLEM with spending our money and digging us into a $7TRILLION deficit. I'm not saying they should do this, but why are they even asking us if it's "ok" when they're going to push it to legislation anyway? Why do they all-of-a-sudden need our consent when they never bothered to get it for anything else (at least in the last 8 years...)?

I don't think anybody wants this to happen, even those who are on the line. There is a moral issue with allowing our already powerful government to further their fingers into our bank accounts.

The government treats its people like a one-night stand. They tell us everything we "want" to hear at first. We laugh.. we joke.. we exchange ideas. Things are going well and we really start trusting them. They smooth talk us and lead us into the bedroom where they sit down next to us on the bed. They look deeply into our eyes and say how special we are, and make their move. It's absolute ecstacy until we wake up in the morning, see our partner is long-gone, and all of our appliances are missing. We cry and wonder "why did we think this was a good idea? that jerk!" But we didn't get a number the night before, and there is no way they're gonna call us. They have taken our pride and sense of security, and there is nothing we can do about it but cry and hit our head against the wall.

But we learn not to make those same decisions again. Until someone NEW comes along and shmoozes their way into our lives too, leading to similar events and consequences.

Are we really that dumb? or are they really that smart?

There is a clear and concise example of direct manipulation by the government. Did you notice that they changed the word "bailout" to "rescue" plan? Their logic behind using this is simple. All they have to say is "You mean, you don't want to be rescued?" Even the most intelligent people are saying "Well, yea! I DO want to be rescued!" and we are left, again, sitting on the side of the bed banging our head against the wall. "Stupid Stupid Stupid!"

I don't know what else to say. I'm really upset that the same people who want to make this country great only want to gain power, wealth, and status for themselves. They don't care about the general public. And why should they? We only make a small percentage of their salaries. Money = Status, and Status = Power. What kind of power could we generate with just a handful of pocket-change?

Absolutely none, unless you count the lamp in your den.

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